
There are still some bugs and missing applications but I have a completely usable elementary OS GUI running on !

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Now with all the elementary OS default settings loaded, the fonts and icons are all correct. Looks and feels quite good!

I am also in advance very sorry to my fellow porters. This is like 40+ new ports and the revival of a couple of dead ports.

@jaypatelani There are over 40 ports so far, so no.

The first handful are already in ports, under x11/elementary.

If you're impatient:

@bcallah OMG, I've been dreaming about this for years! Thanks for your work, will be following it closely

@marianitn If you want to help out you can try running it. Pull down my WIP repo from github and install the meta/pantheon port.

Reminder that things may be broken or missing or crash, etc. Testing and reporting back to me is helpful. Getting your hands dirty and fixing some broken stuff or implementing missing stuff is better!

@bcallah will definitely give it a try. Unfortunately, my programming skills are close to null, so won't be able to help with coding, but I'll report back if I find issues.

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