@solenepercent@bsd.network @solene@bsd.network (obligatory) “WireGuard” is a registered trademark of Jason A. Donenfeld.

@solenepercent @solene I recently switched from using routing priority to routing domains with WireGuard, and have unwind(8) provisioned to run two instances in support of both rdomain 0 and rdomain 1.

1. Provision unwind's IPv4 loopback address on lo1:
`# echo inet > /etc/hostname.lo1`
`# sh /etc/netstart lo1`

2. Duplicate the unwind rc.d(8) script:
`# ln -s /etc/rc.d/unwind /etc/rc.d/unwind1`

3. Enable the second instance with a unique control socket and starting with rtable 1:
`# rcctl enable unwind1`
`# rcctl set unwind1 flags -s /dev/unwind1.sock`
`# rcctl set unwind1 rtable 1`

4. Start the new instance, and ensure it is running:
`# rcctl start unwind1`
`$ rcctl ls on | grep unwind`


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