There is a lot of Offensively Bad Takes on the whole "email to submit patches" topic.
1) requiring plain-text inline patches is *actively hostile*. Holy shit, every single email client (yes, even your favourite) does it wrong by default. Additionally, a copy-and-paste (which is what inline patches encourage you to do) will strip the whitespace from the patch, which is mandatory for it to match correctly.
2) Rejecting patches in attachments is *more hostile*. Fuck you if you reject them.
3) Github PRs are not better. They are different, sure, and have different advantages and disadvantages. For example, Github supports ICE and imprisoning children in concentration camps.
4) Just because it worked great 25 years ago, doesn't mean it is still the best way. Just because it was created this year, doesn't mean it is now the best way.
8) while I'm at it, not everyone is "men", or "guys". Maybe you don't mean it to be exclusionary, but it *is*.
Other people do use it to be mean and a jerkface. How is someone supposed to know the difference?
In my mind this relates to the following; As someone who was bullied in school but learnt how to shrug it off, ignore the bullies or, when attacked, fight back, I have some ideas around not just standing up to bullies but also help the bullied do so themselves.
I'm skeptic to the idea of cushioning since the world is in many ways an ugly place and, in some situations, it can have the undesired outcome of not only leaving the bullied less prepared but also giving fuel to the bullies.
I'll revisit this, since these are thoughts and ideas that I want to explore and challenge.
I know none of this is easy and that I'm privileged in being able to handle bullying the way I described. Not all of my friends were as fortunate, but we were a nerdy bunch who stuck together and were happy in the company of each other regardless of how others perceived or treated us.
I'd like a new word for male men, like "woman/women", and have "man/men", derived from "human", be neutral and include all humans.
I also know that I'm not alone in interpreting and using "guys" to include everyone, regardless of gender/identity, and not just men who identify as male.
Of course I'm also aware that dipshits use words to be mean, the way you described. The same kind of jerkfaces also often use gender neutral words to describe lgbt+ persons as things rather than people.