6.5 is now released!

It's been a great release, with all sorts of improvements everywhere.

Some of my favourites include ixl(4), unwind(8), and the cool stuff in the wireless stack and massive improvements to !



The keys for the 6.5 release are:

base: RWSZaRmt1LEQT9CtPygf9CvONu8kYPTlVEJdysNoUR62/NkeWgdkc3zY
fw: RWQYdGVtTv5IvpH2c+TLQAC4iV7RjoGZ/v75q8MCuC9Mca7nFVCXRefy
pkg: RWS5D4+188RI6jULDOFzga0Cm1zrXYUAHT6xu0mLrZidbn6xrMB5aZeR
syspatch: RWT8U2yd3Aq5DnetILjmSoCQxmyt3VqfGS7GBh19oh4Xre4ywc31PEpw

And a screenshot of the 65.html web page

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the 6.5 keys are also included in 6.4, so you can confirm they are correct if you are upgrading.

6.6 keys are also included in 6.5:

untrusted comment: openbsd 6.6 base public key

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