
Update: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS under VMM “how to”… :flan_hacker:

So, everything you read on the ‘net is, fundamentally, rubbish :flan_laugh:

Just grab the “mini.iso” image, create a dastardly disk and then

vmctl start banana -d mini.iso -d LeDisk.img -n transit -n nottransit -c

Then, once booted, select “command line install”, TAB, edit to change vga=off and, at the end, console=ttyS0,115200u8.

Install in peace. :flan_set_fire:

Note: add -m 2G for a Ubuntu install if you don’t want to wait forever as it dies without enough RAM :flan_cleaver:

@trondd you did not read my toot did you?

1) You need to select “Command Line Install” (2nd down)
2) press TAB to edit the command line
3) *edit* the command line to change vga=off and add console=ttyS0,115200u8 at the end
4) press Enter.

@cynicalsecurity I sure did. Wasn't so much "edit" as it was "delete and replace".

It just doesn't like arrow keys.

@trondd ah yes :flan_eyeroll: I omitted that “detail”… and it doesn’t like c&p either… :flan_despair:

I apologise :flan_piteous:

@cynicalsecurity A small note for AMD SVM users, in addition to specifying the console=ttyS0 line, you need to include 'nospec_store_bypass_disable', otherwise the kernel will panic quite quickly after boot.

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