> The term "Object Safety" is like a "Guinea Pig" — not a pig, and not from Guinea.
Object Safety is a terrible term - documentation - Rust Internals https://internals.rust-lang.org/t/object-safety-is-a-terrible-term/21025
同様に object っていうけど典型的な OOP のそれじゃなくて trait object だし safe も 別に Rust の safe/unsafe とは関係ないのに使われてて新参に優しくないねみたいなことが言及されている
> Object Safety uses a colloquial meaning of safety unrelated to Rust's primary concept of safe/unsafe.
> That's a very unfortunate choice given how important the other kind of safety is to Rust.
safety 関連の単語の用法は我々も気を付けないとなあと言う感じがする